About Me

Let me introduce myself before delving into Two Cat Tarot. As mentioned, my name is Jessica, and I reside with my husband just outside of Buffalo, in Western New York. Though I wasn't raised here, it has truly become my home. Buffalo offers a vibrant city life with a fantastic food scene. I've found a strong community and created lasting memories here.

My three biggest influences, after my husband, are my "children" – my two cats and a pug. They are my world, and I've been told my dog's schedule resembles a toddler's, with daycare and sleepovers. My business name and logo even represent them!

Beyond my spiritual work, I enjoy theater, working out, reading, wine, anime, and planning my next travel adventure. I could talk endlessly about these interests and often try to involve my friends and family. I'm always open to book or destination recommendations!

That's a brief overview of me. I'm excited to embark on this journey and develop my skills.

Go Bills!

Why Two Cat Tarot ?

When I embarked on this journey, my motivations were complex. While the potential for additional income was a factor, it wasn't the sole reason.

Since you've found my page, I believe we share a common belief in a higher power – whether you call it God, Buddha, Spirit, Yahweh, Abba, or another name. I personally use the terms Spirit or God. I believe that God is always trying to communicate with us, offering guidance, answers, and support. Through my work, I aim to help others receive those messages.

My own readings have often affirmed what I already knew deep down – the areas I needed to work on or the paths I needed to take. I want to offer that same clarity and support to others. While I'm not perfect and have my own challenges to address, I know that this path is one of healing – both for others and myself. I was taught that every tarot reading is a healing experience for both the reader and the recipient, and I aspire to be a healer for those who seek my guidance.

I am an intuitive reader. I work with my Spirit team and the other person's team to channel and deliver messages that can assist them on their journey. I owe all my knowledge, experience, and confidence to my work with Spiritually Rooted. I am still growing and learning as a practitioner, and I look forward to connecting with and supporting anyone who finds me.

I'd also like to share my long-term vision for Two Cat Tarot. Eventually, I hope to create a platform where others can promote their spiritual services, establishing a one-stop shop for those seeking spiritual guidance. Ideally, clients could explore services from various readers, reiki masters, and other practitioners. While this expansion beyond tarot is a long-term goal, I'm currently content with my present focus.